Saturday 31 December 2016

Happy New Year and a giveaway!!

Hello dear friends,

Sindhura here and I'm sad that today's post is going to be my last post for Lulupu. I want to thank Karuna for being so understanding and generous through out the term. Also thanks to my teamies Rhiz and Chirali for always being their to swap posts and fill in with an extra post whenever required. Thanks for being so kind, girls! Also to each and everyone of you who visited and left beautiful comments...thanks a ton!

For today's post I have a simple and fun card to wish you all a very Happy New Year. :) I hope this year turns out to be wonderful for each and everyone of you and may all your dreams come true.

Here is my card...

I used a Hero Arts stamp set im my stash to stamp those solid circles and then stamped the alphas from a Mudra stamp set called Decorative Alphas on a separate piece of cardstock and fussy cut them out. Then, I adhered the alphas on a piece of vellum and adhered it on the stamped panel. Isn't it fun and simple?

I hope you give it a try. You can use any solid images for this effect. You can also use a lot of colours for stamping images. It would be even more fun.

Now...don't go yet...

To show my gratitude, I decided to giveaway a Rs.500/- gift certificate to one of you. Here is what you have to do..
1. Follow Lulupu blog.
2. Follow me HERE.
3. Leave a comment on this post telling me what your resolution for the new year is.
You have until 15th January, 2017 to comment.
Simple, isn't it? :)

I will pick a winner randomly after 15th Jan. Keep checking after 15th Jan for the winner announcement in a post on Lulupu blog.

Thanks for everything! Stay blessed.



  1. Beautiful card. I love the burst of colors and the use of vellum.

    I dont really have a resolution, more like a bunch of things i would like to do which include increasing my physical fitness, learning new craft techniques and getting more organized. Happy new year :)

    1. Thank you! I wish you a great year ahead..

  2. Nice card Sindhura...Love the use of vellum..
    Wishing you a Happy New Year ahead..
    My New Year Resolution would be to do crafting in a more organised way and expanding my crafting horizons..

  3. lovely card.
    I neither keep new year resolutions, nor follow any if in case I did. But Yeah wish for a better year for all.
    Riddhi Shah

  4. Restart diet, try new techniques, improve my scrap, be more organized with pictures :)

  5. Awesome card Sindhu my new year crafty resolution is to stretch my craftsupplies usage...Try new techniques...

  6. NY resolution for 2017 is to create my happy place in all aspects of life.

  7. Simply so beautiful and elegant card Sindhu! Wishing you a very Happy New Year ahead!
    I don't have any resolutions but I want to learn more new techniques and more crafty goodness!

  8. Simple yet superb card Sindhu....My new year resolution is to keep myself healthy and use my craft supplies at max by making new stuff :)

  9. Beautiful card I like ur work n following u my resolution is learn n make more creative work ek craft lover ko or kya chae I wish u happy new year n lots of success ahead

  10. A bold and Beautiful card!
    My new year resolution is indulge into crafting more than what i did in 2016 and get into sports for de-stressing and reading more novels that I have been missing for the last two years!

  11. Beautiful card Sindhu :) I don't believe in resolutions as they stand for max a month :P But my target is to slowly manage my time better, balancing work, home and craft :)

  12. Lovely card Sindhu!!....My resolution is that I will balance my craft work...with my family responsibilities...

  13. Superb creation as always Sindhu..Happy new year.. my resolution is to enhance my crafty skills more by taking inspiration like you people. Thanks for always sharing beautiful work..

  14. Simple and beautiful Card :)
    Coming to my resolution.., want to learn more techniques and mainly want to learn mixed media..

  15. What a pretty card! Vellum looks absolutely gr8 on this card....
    I haven't made any new resolutions this year as there is a backlog of previous ones piled up behind me....But definitely expect a better, more enriching, more knowledgeable and a more experienced Crafty year ahead!
    Wish u all the best too!!

  16. Lovely Card!! My new year resolution is i want to try my hands in Mixed media & learn to techniques related to mixed media & card making :)

  17. Such an elegant and clever idea Sindhu! Always loved your work! Thanks for inspiring me. Well I only made one new year resolution to write down how my week has been very week of the year till 31st December 2017 and read them all on 1st jan 2018 so that I can know how my past year has been :)

  18. Lovely card crafty resolution for this year to try MM ...

  19. Such a Beautiful card Sindhu!! My new year resolution is to start making Christmas cards early this year. I'm following the lululpu blog and your blog.

  20. my new year resolution is to find time to indulge in my passion that is crafts. would like to try my hands at various mixed media techniques


Thank you for your comments and feedback.